Turn Your Resume into Your Wealth

Train to Become An Outsource Sales Manager

How would your life change if you had a systematic process that without fail would put high four and even five figures in your bank account, month after month?

That’s right — We're talking about thousands of dollars each month.

  • Imagine helping business owners become more successful, make more profit, and have more free time to do business.

  • How would it be to live your life on your own terms, never having to worry about money, and doing what you want, when you want, and with whom you want?

  • How would it be to lose the worries of quota increases and/or replacement by a lower cost employee?

  • Consider what it would be like to be able to retire in five to eight years and never have to work again!

Now, you can join the ranks of sales acceleration coaches who are building practices part- and/or full-time to fulfill these and many other dreams.

Your Trainer is Gil Cargill.

That’s me, the person whose words you’re reading right now; a veteran of 46 years of sales acceleration coaching, consulting, training, and outsourced sales executive management.

I have worked with some of the largest companies in the world, but thoroughly enjoy helping small to medium businessmen and women achieve their dreams.

My expertise in helping clients find ways to improve their top and bottom line comes from a unique sales process orientation.

I discovered over 46 years ago that, when you improve the process, you will without fail improve the results the process produces. And, that means more money for my clients.

I’ve developed an online training system to teach this very same process.

Once you’ve completed our training, your clients will grow their top line by 36%!

Listen, it is my personal goal and mission to help everyone who participates in the sales acceleration coach training.


Start and Run a Sales Leadership Forum

This is a sales mastermind group that pays you handsome recurring revenue in exchange for moderate investments of time.

Start and Run a Sales Management Service

As fractional sales manager or sales vice president, you will learn – utilizing our tools, templates, techniques and tactics – how to manage a client sales force more effectively than they can, without being on site five days a week.

Become a Sales Trainer

You can sell Results Oriented Selling and/or 21st-Century Sales Management. You’ll learn how to deliver this training live on site, if you wish, or by enrolling your clients in our online program.

Fastest Start Program

We don’t have a quick-start program, but we have the fastest start program. Literally, you can earn commissions while you learn your trade by referring prospects to our website, MoreLeadsNoColdCalling.com

Generate More Leads Than You Can Handle

Lead-generation is the number one problem facing most consultants and coaches. After all, it’s probably been years since you had to “dial for dollars”. We’ll show you multiple techniques, one of which I’m sure will fit your personality, style, et cetera to generate leads profitably and productively.

Train To Be A Sales Acceleration Coach

Get Started Today By Filling Out The Form Below:

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