If They’re Not Talking, You’re Not Selling

It’s an old axiom in sales that the best salespeople listen better than they talk. I’ve noticed that some salespeople confuse the ability to recite volumes and volumes of information regarding their product and service as selling. In fact, all they’re doing is talking. Unfortunately, if you are not listening, then you can’t learn what impact you, your company, your products, and your services can produce for a client.

Remember, customers make the decision to buy based on a perception which leads to a belief that their business will realize a permanent, measurable improvement in one or more business operating conditions that is desirable and beneficial. The sooner you learn what those business operating conditions are and the cost to the customer of not achieving those improvements, the faster you’ll sell.

So, in summary, as one of my old sales managers once taught me, use your mouth and ears in the proportion that God gave them to you. Listen twice as much as you talk, and you’ll be on your way to better, more proficient and profitable sales.

Good Luck and Good Selling!!!