You Talk Too Much

This is not only the title of a 1950s-era rock-and-roll song, but it is an accurate description of many of the sales calls that I’ve observed. I believe that, as our economy has soured, many salespeople are inadvertently demonstrating desperation during their sales calls. Over-talking has been the bane of many salespeople for many years. However, now it seems as if an epidemic of this unproductive behavior is occurring.

I’ve made several sales calls with individuals who work in entirely different industries and observed this same phenomenon occurring. Literally, in one case, the prospect said, “Looks good; let’s get going,” and the sales representative continued to talk right past one of the loudest and clearest closing signals that I’ve ever observed.

In order to avoid being swept up in this process, make sure that you use open and reflective questions throughout every sales meeting. Make sure that you pause and listen. Power-listening is actually the best strategy for you to use during this economic time. During your sales calls, you should be able to answer the following questions.

  • What pain is your prospecting feeling?

  • How can you resolve that pain?

  • How will your prospect quantify the results associated with your ideas, solutions and/or products?

By continuing to focus on the results that your prospect will achieve, you will avoid over-talking your presentations.

You see, in all economic situations, prospects will make buying decisions when they understand the value (in quantified terms) of the results that are going to be delivered. By over-talking, you inadvertently (and, I’m sure, quite subconsciously) mask the results and their value. That, in turn, prolongs your sales cycle and/or totally kills your opportunity to close a transaction.

Another technique that will help you minimize this is perpetual sales practice. A digital recorder is your best sales coach. Practice giving your presentations to your recorder/coach, before you meet with your customers. In this regard, I don’t believe that practice makes perfect. I do believe that perfect practice achieves perfection.

Good Luck & Good Selling!!